Now I wanted to touch one this subject because some people have a bad view of Poser in the art community.  They think that you MUST do everything yourself.  But what does that get them.  At most it is a nice looking short but never anything epic or long lasting.

Some of you have asked me about that fact.  You are trying to tell your story but then some in the CG community tell you not to use Poser.  But truth is Poser can help you get up to speed much faster and tell stories.

If you push the tool that Poser is you can create wonderful artwork to tell your story.


One of my favorite comics ever was created by Brian Haberlin.  He uses Poser to help him make one of the largest graphic novels in the world with cool augmented reality.  If you have checked out his novels please do for an inspirational aspect into what can be done with Poser as a tool but also as good awesome fun.  I loved Anomaly.  Oh and by the way, this guy has TV and movie deals.  So you tell me it is not a legit tool to create great imagery and tell stories.  In the end don’t let anyone discouarage you.  There are some elitist out there but they are purist.  They care about what program was used and at the end of the day it is just foolish.

End result is all that matters.





My last post was to share some tools you could affordably create MOCAP animations.  In this post I wanted to share ideas on how to put it together.

Here is an example of my work.

I made this for fun.  It took me less than 3 hours.  I combined my mocap system with Poser using Michael 3.0 and an Ironman model I found online.  Now I know it is not much but it was very easy.  Now using this easy method you can put it together and make some really awesome animations very quickly of course imagination not included.

Check out some more Poser + MOCAP animations.


If you are trying to create your very own anime you could definately get more done using MOCAP.

I have been in love with MOCAP for years.  While I do love Keyframe animation, I love MOCAP because it can help me tell a story so much quicker.

Remember this sight is designed to help even those with very limited skills be able to create their own anime.  MOCAP can be a key.


MOCAP used to be only for the big studios with money but now things have changed.  There are all types of systems now ranging from free, to in program, to even a cheap but effective wearable mocap.

Here are 5 cheap MOCAP tools you could get your hands on.

I have bee keeping up with this really awesome Youtube channel called Art Sandwich.  They have been making some really cool spoofs of different movies.  I wanted to share their making of video because it breaks down the process pretty good and possibly could give you an idea on how to make your anime.   You could possibly use your own footage and actors and draw over them like these guys do.

Always think outside the box.



Here is some of their awesome work.

If you are going to make your own anime, you have to be able to animate.   One of the tools of choice is non-other than Flash, now called Adobe Animate or something of that nature.  I wanted to post this step by step guide for some of your newer guys just trying to collect information on how to animate.

Flash is where I started and I still have it on my hard drive today.  It is easy to use and was just what I originally started using as well as many Animators out there.

Adobe Animate is now available for around $20 bucks a month.  But if you cannot afford it there are tons of cool, free animation tools.

Here is the same creator above using FREE Tools.


The tutorials above are by Jesse Jones.  I ran into his work when several artists were animating an entire episode of Dragoball.  It was a fun project.

Follow the link below to check it out.


Sometimes you may feel all these cool tools are needed to make your own animation and that it costs TONS of money but the truth is there are tools out there which are totally free of charge and are very capable of helping you create and tell your story.

I’ve followed this team around for some time and have enjoyed watching them work on their project.   I’m posting this here so you can see what free tools they use and check out the tons of tutorials they have that can help you create something cool today.




Check it out.  Your list of excuses as to why you cannot make your own anime is getting smaller and smaller.

Click Here!




I don’t have time.  Time is a precious commodity that is not always in great supply.   It takes Pixar 4 years from start to finish to make 1 animated feature film.  That is with 100s of people working on the project.   That is a daunting task.

Needless to say that is a great big hurdle.

But one that we can face and leap through with a little time management.

Girl who le pt through time.


The trick to overcoming the challenge of time in your animation process is conserving your time and not wasting it.  We all have the same amount of time, rich or poor.  Although money does buy time.  But there are other things that buy your time.

One day a few of my friends and I decided to calculate the amount of time we spent on certain non essential activities, IE watching TV, Video games, sports, browsing, etc.   We calculated 40+ hours almost on a given week doing all these things that quickly added up.

Here is a little research I found online.

In the US

5 hours per day watching TV

3 hours a day online

5-7 on video games

That is 140 hours a month, 1680 a year.   

1680×4 years = 9 full months of your life.  

Creating or consuming?  It is up to you.

Kind of gives you a reality check don’t it?  I find myself in this predicament all the time but if you want to make your anime you will have to spend that time creating.