I really liked the intro this guy made.  It looks pretty good especially animated by one person.  I thought I’d share with you some of his video tutorials on how to make anime.  Again the process works in standard animation as well.

I’m going to throw this one in as well.  Animating with Adobe After FX.

So you have a great story and want to tell it.  You want to make an Anime or Anime?  Or would you rather make a Manga?  Well….why not combine the two in a visual novel.

I see a few advantages to this.  If you are not the best artist you could still hire someone to make some of the characters for you thus reducing the cost to make and yet you would still be able to tell your entire story with fewer drawings.

Here are some of the top Visual Novels

Here is a free software to help you make your own visual novel.

In recent posts I talked about the good ol days of newgrounds.com and the animations that inspired me to create animations using Flash.  Back in the day Flash amazed me and is still a great program for doing 2d work.

Here is a tutorials series on creating Flash animation.


Here is a video breaking down a rig for Puppet Animation.  Personally I’m okay with it if it is creative and good.  I guess because I come from the old flash days when you had to do things differently because there was no streaming at the time.  Tween animation helped keep file sizes down.    Because of this I’m okay with this type of animation if done correctly.

Here is a tutorial breaking down a rig.

Here are examples of good old fashioned tweening.  Funny thing is this has become really popular over the years even in mainstream work.