Okay so my favorite type of story is good old fashioned “heroe’s Journey.”  Most if not all Shonen fall under this story type and I love it.

Here is a breakdown of the heroes journey.  When making your anime you have to think about what you want to do.  Remember story is key.  You could have horrible graphics but if you have a great story it will capture an audience.  Story is the most important part.


If you are going to make your own anime, you have to be able to animate.   One of the tools of choice is non-other than Flash, now called Adobe Animate or something of that nature.  I wanted to post this step by step guide for some of your newer guys just trying to collect information on how to animate.

Flash is where I started and I still have it on my hard drive today.  It is easy to use and was just what I originally started using as well as many Animators out there.

Adobe Animate is now available for around $20 bucks a month.  But if you cannot afford it there are tons of cool, free animation tools.

Here is the same creator above using FREE Tools.


The tutorials above are by Jesse Jones.  I ran into his work when several artists were animating an entire episode of Dragoball.  It was a fun project.

Follow the link below to check it out.