Now I wanted to touch one this subject because some people have a bad view of Poser in the art community.  They think that you MUST do everything yourself.  But what does that get them.  At most it is a nice looking short but never anything epic or long lasting.

Some of you have asked me about that fact.  You are trying to tell your story but then some in the CG community tell you not to use Poser.  But truth is Poser can help you get up to speed much faster and tell stories.

If you push the tool that Poser is you can create wonderful artwork to tell your story.


One of my favorite comics ever was created by Brian Haberlin.  He uses Poser to help him make one of the largest graphic novels in the world with cool augmented reality.  If you have checked out his novels please do for an inspirational aspect into what can be done with Poser as a tool but also as good awesome fun.  I loved Anomaly.  Oh and by the way, this guy has TV and movie deals.  So you tell me it is not a legit tool to create great imagery and tell stories.  In the end don’t let anyone discouarage you.  There are some elitist out there but they are purist.  They care about what program was used and at the end of the day it is just foolish.

End result is all that matters.





Making animation is not easy.  It is a labor of love.    It takes time, energy and you have to really stick to it.  I wanted to take this time to talk about the challenges that will get in the way of you making your own anime and how you can overcome them.

The 3 basic challenges are




I see these as being some of the biggest challenges.  Not in that particular order.  They do go hand in hand.  Each of those 3 elements is required for every animated production.

You need money to buy time and talent.  You need talent and time to make money.    They are all connected.    Lacking any of these will be a problem in your storytelling endeavors.

For example if you are really talented at animating you still need money to live off of but if you to make money you need to take time off your project to work.  Work then wears you down and you don’t have the time to animate like you wanted.    It is a vicious circle but one that can stop.

It really hurts if you have little of all three which is where I find myself.  My drawing style is not where I would like it.  I don’t have time to make animation as I have adult bills and have a full time day job.



There are solutions to these challenges.  Do not let the challenges turn into excuses.  Acknowledge the challenge and attack it.  In the next articles we will attack each of those 3 major problems.