You know if you do make an anime…one important thing to consider is the music.  How many people can forget the themes to shows like SAO, One-Punch Man and one of the biggest Neon Genesis.   I’ve lived in Japan and A Cruel Angels Thesis is on the Karaoke list.   To be honest I miss a ton of old school soundtracks we used to get in the 80s and 90s.  It has been quite some time since we’ve seen a real soundtrack.  I guess that is why Guardians of the Galaxy was so refreshing.

So when making your anime…don’t forget….you need a good theme song.

I wanted to share some of my favorite covers to some great anime theme songs.

So why am I sharing this?  Well if you are going to make your own anime you do not want to forget MUSIC!  Music is important to any anime.  It builds the moment and builds the crescendo.    You know the hero is about to win and things are going to get excited when it happens and it connects people to your story in ways you cannot even fathom.  But how excited do you get when you hear this?

Yes music is powerful.  You want people to connect to your music.   One great thing is there are tons of musicians who love anime and would work with you on creating an awesome track!  This can be one of the most important parts of your story.   So think long and hard about creating an awesome theme with an awesome singer/songwriter.    Today it is all but possible!