I don’t have time.  Time is a precious commodity that is not always in great supply.   It takes Pixar 4 years from start to finish to make 1 animated feature film.  That is with 100s of people working on the project.   That is a daunting task.

Needless to say that is a great big hurdle.

But one that we can face and leap through with a little time management.

Girl who le pt through time.


The trick to overcoming the challenge of time in your animation process is conserving your time and not wasting it.  We all have the same amount of time, rich or poor.  Although money does buy time.  But there are other things that buy your time.

One day a few of my friends and I decided to calculate the amount of time we spent on certain non essential activities, IE watching TV, Video games, sports, browsing, etc.   We calculated 40+ hours almost on a given week doing all these things that quickly added up.

Here is a little research I found online.

In the US

5 hours per day watching TV

3 hours a day online

5-7 on video games

That is 140 hours a month, 1680 a year.   

1680×4 years = 9 full months of your life.  

Creating or consuming?  It is up to you.

Kind of gives you a reality check don’t it?  I find myself in this predicament all the time but if you want to make your anime you will have to spend that time creating.




Blender is a great tool if you are on a budget.    Why?  It is free and does everything that an expensive 3d program can do.  Blender has been used by tons of people to make shorts and movies.  Blender is not my cup of tea but for many artists they can make wonderful things.

Here is a tutorial by artist Brandon White who has created his own Anime style series.


Here are some of his episodes

One of the best ways to learn is to check out the behind the scenes to watch over an artist’s shoulder.

Making animation is not easy.  It is a labor of love.    It takes time, energy and you have to really stick to it.  I wanted to take this time to talk about the challenges that will get in the way of you making your own anime and how you can overcome them.

The 3 basic challenges are




I see these as being some of the biggest challenges.  Not in that particular order.  They do go hand in hand.  Each of those 3 elements is required for every animated production.

You need money to buy time and talent.  You need talent and time to make money.    They are all connected.    Lacking any of these will be a problem in your storytelling endeavors.

For example if you are really talented at animating you still need money to live off of but if you to make money you need to take time off your project to work.  Work then wears you down and you don’t have the time to animate like you wanted.    It is a vicious circle but one that can stop.

It really hurts if you have little of all three which is where I find myself.  My drawing style is not where I would like it.  I don’t have time to make animation as I have adult bills and have a full time day job.



There are solutions to these challenges.  Do not let the challenges turn into excuses.  Acknowledge the challenge and attack it.  In the next articles we will attack each of those 3 major problems.

animationstringPlease feel free to sign up for this free E-Book.  It was a great inspiration to me.  It helped me see what is possible.  It was written by a great artist named Terrence Walker who taught us 1 person can make a movie.  It is not as impossible to create your own anime even in long format.  In fact Terrence has proven it can be done.  Please go to his site and check out his free E-Book.  He also has tons of classes available for sale.  I would recommend Anigen secrets revealed.